独白:你好吗 你在哪
dú bái : nǐ hǎo ma nǐ zài nǎ
Monologue:How are you?Where are you?
独白:看不见听不见你的我 忐忑牵挂
dú bái : kàn bù jiàn tīng bù jiàn nǐ de wǒ tǎn tè qiān guà
Monologue:Unable to see or hear you,I am filled with anxiety and concern.
朱一龙:分手的时候 你成了我的牵挂
zhū yī lóng : fēn shǒu de shí hòu nǐ chéng le wǒ de qiān guà
Zhu Yilong:When we broke up,you became my constant worry.
朱一龙:回来的路很远 心情拖沓
zhū yī lóng : huí lái de lù hěn yuǎn xīn qíng tuō tà
Zhu Yilong:The way back is long,and my heart drags behind.
李现:一次次打开 行囊中为你作的画
lǐ xiàn : yī cì cì dǎ kāi xíng náng zhōng wèi nǐ zuò de huà
Li Xian:I open my luggage again and again,looking at the paintings I made for you.
李现:亲爱的撩动我 情不自禁的泪花
lǐ xiàn : qīn ài de liáo dòng wǒ qíng bù zì jīn de lèi huā
Li Xian:My dear,you stir my emotions,and tears fall uncontrollably.
常石磊:你好吗 你在哪
cháng shí lěi : nǐ hǎo ma nǐ zài nǎ
Chang Shilei:How are you?Where are you?
常石磊:陪你走的那条路 已断成天涯
cháng shí lěi : péi nǐ zǒu de nà tiáo lù yǐ duàn chéng tiān yá
Chang Shilei:The path we walked together has now turned into a distant horizon.
豆豆:你好吗 你在哪
dòu dòu : nǐ hǎo ma nǐ zài nǎ
DouDou:How are you?Where are you?
豆豆:看不见听不见你的我 忐忑牵挂
dòu dòu : kàn bù jiàn tīng bù jiàn nǐ de wǒ tǎn tè qiān guà
DouDou:Unable to see or hear you,I am filled with anxiety and concern.
豆豆:默默无言 是心里藏了太多话
dòu dòu : mò mò wú yán shì xīn lǐ cáng le tài duō huà
DouDou:Silent and speechless,for there are too many words hidden in my heart.
豆豆:转过去的脸庞 掩盖心伤
dòu dòu : zhuǎn guò qù de liǎn páng yǎn gài xīn shāng
DouDou:Turning my face away,I hide the pain within.
常石磊:一次次冲动 多想把自己留下
cháng shí lěi : yī cì cì chōng dòng duō xiǎng bǎ zì jǐ liú xià
Chang Shilei:Overwhelmed with impulse,I wish I could stay.
常石磊:和你一起 爱满山遍野的花
cháng shí lěi : hé nǐ yī qǐ ài mǎn shān biàn yě de huā
Chang Shilei:To be with you,surrounded by flowers across the mountains and fields.
李现:你好吗 你在哪
lǐ xiàn : nǐ hǎo ma nǐ zài nǎ
Li Xian:How are you?Where are you?
李现:昨夜我在梦中 还牵你的手回家
lǐ xiàn : zuó yè wǒ zài mèng zhōng hái qiān nǐ de shǒu huí jiā
Li Xian:Last night in my dream,I still held your hand and walked home.
朱一龙:你好吗 你在哪
zhū yī lóng : nǐ hǎo ma nǐ zài nǎ
Zhu Yilong:How are you?Where are you?
朱一龙:难道我们的故事 只剩这幅画
zhū yī lóng : nán dào wǒ men de gù shì zhǐ shèng zhè fú huà
All:How are you?Where are you?
合:你好吗 你在哪
hé : nǐ hǎo ma nǐ zài nǎ
All:How are you?Where are you?
dòu dòu : kàn bù jiàn tīng bù jiàn nǐ de wǒ
DouDou:Unable to see or hear you,I am filled with anxiety and concern.
hé : pàn chūn yǔ lèi xià
All:Longing for the spring rain to fall,tears streaming down.