qí shí wǒ pà nǐ zǒng kuā jiǎng gāo gū wǒ jiān rěn
In truth,I fear your constant praise overestimates my resilience,
qí shí gèng pà nǐ zhǐ dǒng de xīn shǎng wǒ pǐn xíng
And more,that you only admire my conduct.
wú rén jí wǒ yòng zì jué chóng shí le nǐ xìn xīn
No one matches me in the weight of words that restore your confidence,
无人问我可甘心演这伟大 化身
wú rén wèn wǒ kě gān xīn yǎn zhè wěi dà huà shēn
No one asks if I’m content to play this grand role.
qí shí wǒ xiǎng jiān zhōng bēng kuì cuì ruò rú liàn rén
In truth,I wish to sometimes collapse,fragile as a lover,
chuí zài nǐ liǎng bì zhōng dī de bù xū yào shēn fèn
Hanging in your arms,lowly,without need for identity.
无奈被你识穿这个念头 得到好处的你
wú nài bèi nǐ shí chuān zhè gè niàn tou dé dào hǎo chù de nǐ
But you see through this thought,and you,who benefits,
míng shì bù xiǎng shī qù jué shì hǎo yǒu
Make it clear you don’t want to lose this rare friend.
没有得你的允许 我都会爱下去
méi yǒu de nǐ de yǔn xǔ wǒ dōu huì ài xià qù
Without your permission,I will keep on loving,
hù xiāng zhù fú xīn ruǎn zhī jì huò zhě zhǔn wǒ wěn xià qù
Maybe,in a moment of softened hearts,allow me to kiss.
我痛恨成熟到 不要你望着我流泪
wǒ tòng hèn chéng shú dào bù yào nǐ wàng zhe wǒ liú lèi
I despise maturity that stops your gaze from seeing my tears,
但漂亮笑下去 仿佛冬天饮雪水
dàn piào liàng xiào xià qù fǎng fú dōng tiān yǐn xuě shuǐ
Yet I keep smiling beautifully,as if drinking snow in winter.
被你一贯的赞许 却不配爱下去
bèi nǐ yī guàn de zàn xǔ què bù pèi ài xià qù
Your consistent approval doesn’t fit with love,
zài nǐ bēi shāng yī kè bì xū jiě wèi zhǎo dào wǒ lè qù
In your moment of sorrow,I must be the one to comfort and find my joy.
我甘于当副车 也是快乐着唏嘘
wǒ gān yú dāng fù chē yě shì kuài lè zhe xī xū
I’m content to be the secondary,and I find happiness in sighs.
bǐ cǐ zhè me liǎo jiě
We understand each other so well,
nán guài zhù dìng sì xiōng mèi yī duì
No wonder we’re fated to be like siblings.
qí shí wǒ pà nǐ de hǎo gǎn jī yú wǒ xiū yǎng
In truth,I fear your liking is based on my upbringing,
qí shí zuì pà nǐ de sī xīn kuī zhǔn wǒ tǐ liàng
And most,that your selfishness expects my understanding.
wú rén wèn wǒ jì mò xiàng tóu hé chù qù yǎng shāng
No one asks where my loneliness can heal,
原来是我的心境高到变为 偶像
yuán lái shì wǒ de xīn jìng gāo dào biàn wéi ǒu xiàng
It turns out my mindset is too high,becoming an idol.
谁情愿照耀着别人就如 月亮
shuí qíng yuàn zhào yào zhe bié rén jiù rú yuè liàng
Who willingly shines on others like the moon,
wèi nú bì wèi nǐ bèi fàn fèng chá shì cán rěn zhēn xiàng
Serving you meals and tea is a cruel reality.
无奈被你识穿这个念头 得到好处的你
wú nài bèi nǐ shí chuān zhè gè niàn tou dé dào hǎo chù de nǐ
But you see through this thought,and you,who benefits,
míng shì bù xiǎng shī qù jué shì hǎo yǒu
Make it clear you don’t want to lose this rare friend.
没有得你的允许 我都会爱下去
méi yǒu de nǐ de yǔn xǔ wǒ dōu huì ài xià qù
Without your permission,I will keep on loving,
hù xiāng zhù fú xīn ruǎn zhī jì huò zhě zhǔn wǒ wěn xià qù
Maybe,in a moment of softened hearts,allow me to kiss.
我痛恨成熟到 不要你望着我流泪
wǒ tòng hèn chéng shú dào bù yào nǐ wàng zhe wǒ liú lèi
I despise maturity that stops your gaze from seeing my tears,
但漂亮笑下去 仿佛冬天饮雪水
dàn piào liàng xiào xià qù fǎng fú dōng tiān yǐn xuě shuǐ
Yet I keep smiling beautifully,as if drinking snow in winter.
被你一贯的赞许 却不配爱下去
bèi nǐ yī guàn de zàn xǔ què bù pèi ài xià qù
Your consistent approval doesn’t fit with love,
zài nǐ bēi shāng yī kè bì xū jiě wèi zhǎo dào wǒ lè qù
In your moment of sorrow,I must be the one to comfort and find my joy.
我甘于当副车 也是快乐着唏嘘
wǒ gān yú dāng fù chē yě shì kuài lè zhe xī xū
I’m content to be the secondary,and I find happiness in sighs.
bǐ cǐ zhè me liǎo jiě
We understand each other so well,
ràng wǒ jué dìng wǒ de kuài lè
Let me decide my own happiness,
那须得你的允许 我都会爱下去
nà xū de nǐ de yǔn xǔ wǒ dōu huì ài xià qù
Without your permission,I will keep on loving,
hù xiāng zhù fú xīn ruǎn zhī jì huò zhě zhǔn wǒ wěn xià qù
Maybe,in a moment of softened hearts,allow me to kiss.
我痛恨成熟到 不要你望着我流泪
wǒ tòng hèn chéng shú dào bù yào nǐ wàng zhe wǒ liú lèi
I despise maturity that stops your gaze from seeing my tears,
但漂亮笑下去 仿佛冬天饮雪水
dàn piào liàng xiào xià qù fǎng fú dōng tiān yǐn xuě shuǐ
Yet I keep smiling beautifully,as if drinking snow in winter.
被你一贯的赞许 无须装说下去
bèi nǐ yī guàn de zàn xǔ wú xū zhuāng shuō xià qù
Your consistent approval,no need to pretend,
zài nǐ bēi shāng yī kè bì xū jiě wèi zhǎo dào wǒ lè qù
In your moment of sorrow,I must be the one to comfort and find my joy.
我甘于当副车 却没法撞入堡垒
wǒ gān yú dāng fù chē què méi fǎ zhuàng rù bǎo lěi
I’m content to be the secondary,but I can’t break through the fortress,
彼此这么了解 难怪注定似兄妹一对
bǐ cǐ zhè me liǎo jiě nán guài zhù dìng sì xiōng mèi yī duì
We understand each other so well,no wonder we’re fated to be like siblings.
你的他怎允许 结伴观赏雪的泪
nǐ de tā zěn yǔn xǔ jié bàn guān shǎng xuě de lèi
Your“him”wouldn’t allow us to watch the tears in the snow together,
永不开封的汽水 让我抱在怀内吻下去
yǒng bù kāi fēng de qì shuǐ ràng wǒ bào zài huái nèi wěn xià qù
The unopened soda,I hold it in my arms and kiss.