For Folk Song '试着回忆'
Try to Remember Lyrics
Try to remember
The kind of September
When life was slow
And though so mellow
Try to remember
The kind of september
When grass was green
And grain was yellow
Try to remember
The kind of september
When you were a tender
And callow fellow
Try to remember
And if you remember
Then follow follow
Try to remember
When life was so tender
That no one wept
Except the willow
Try to remember
The kind of september
When love was an ember
About to billow
Try to remember
And if you remember
Then follow, follow
What Is the Song 'Try to Remember'? And Where Did 'Try to Remember' Lyrics Come From?
What above is the full lyrics written for the song 'Try to Remember' (with a similar meaning like 试着回忆 in Chinese) which was released in 1998, specifically since October 13th, 1998.
Who Has Performed the Song 'Try to Remember'? And the Artist Name?
The music work 'Try to Remember' (titled 试着回忆 in Standard / Simplified Chinese) is a
from the 1990s
and performed by
the male
solo artist Leon Lai Ming (Chinese name: 黎明), originally by The Brothers Four
from HongKong of China
giving us this great musical performance of the song
, while The Brothers Four is the orginal artist and performer of the song
The Film, TV Series or Dramas Related to Try to Remember Lyrics? And What Is It?
Additionally, this song 'Try to Remember' (titled 试着回忆 in Chinese) where the full lyrics above is sourced from, is also the Episode Song for Chinese Hong Kong Film 'City of Glass' (1998), titled "玻璃之城" in Standard / Simplified Chinese language.