Showing Singer-Songwriter

Singer-songwriters refer to the groups of popular performers who write, compose and sing their own melodies and lyrics, usually the solo artists.

Get Full Lyrics for the Chinese Song 'Why Does Sorrow Keep Repeating ', in Chinese (Putonghua) '为什么难过一直在重播' with Pinyin 'Wei Shen Me Nan Guo Yi Zhi Zai Chong Bo', Performed by 汪苏泷 (Silence. W), the popular Chinese Pop Artist/Singer. Discover the Latest Popular C-POP Music Lyrics with FAQ & Answers.
Get Full Lyrics for the Chinese Song 'A Song With You', in Chinese (Putonghua) '你的神曲' with Pinyin 'Ni De Shen Qu', as the "Companionship" Theme Song for the 7th Anniversary of the Chinese mobile MOBA game 'Honor of Kings', Performed by 五月天 (Mayday TWN), the popular Chinese Pop Rock Band from Taiwan of China. Discover the Latest Popular C-POP Music Lyrics with FAQ & Answers.
Get Full Lyrics for the Chinese Song 'Wu Zang Liu Fu', in Chinese (Putonghua) '五脏六腑' with Pinyin 'Wu Zang Liu Fu', Performed by 李宇春 (Chris Lee), the popular Chinese Female Pop Artist/Singer from Chinese Mainland. Discover the Latest Popular C-POP Music Lyrics with FAQ & Answers.
Get Full Lyrics for the Chinese Theme Song 'I’m Here', in Chinese (Putonghua) '我在' with Pinyin 'Wo Zai', for the 2023 Chinese Sci-fi Film 'The Wandering Earth II' (the prequel-of-series), and Performed by 刘欢 (Liu Huan), the famous Chinese Pop Artist/Singer and Musician. Discover the Latest Popular C-POP Music Lyrics with FAQ & Answers.
Get Full Lyrics for the Chinese Song 'By Your Side', in Chinese (Putonghua) '在你的身边' with Pinyin 'Zai Ni De Shen Bian', Performed by 盛哲 (Sheng Zhe), the popular Chinese Pop Artist/Singer. Discover the Latest Popular C-POP Music Lyrics with FAQ & Answers.
Get Full Lyrics for the Chinese Song 'Song For You', in Chinese (Putonghua) '为你写下这首情歌' with Pinyin 'Wei Ni Xie Xia Zhe Shou Qing Ge', Performed by 五月天 (Mayday TWN), the popular Chinese Taiwan Pop Rock Band. Discover the Latest Popular C-POP Music Lyrics with FAQ & Answers.
Get Full Lyrics for the Chinese Duet Song "Liang Shanbo and Juliet" in Chinese (Putonghua) "梁山伯与朱丽叶" with Pinyin "Liang Shan Bo Yu Zhu Li Ye", Performed by 曹格 (Gary Chaw) and 卓文萱 (Genie Chuo). Discover the Latest Popular C-POP Music Lyrics with FAQ & Answers.
Get Full Lyrics for the Chinese Pop Rock Song 'Almost Famous', in Chinese (Putonghua) '成名在望' with Pinyin 'Cheng Ming Zai Wang', Performed by 五月天 (Mayday TWN), the popular Chinese Pop Rock Band from Taiwan of China. Discover the Latest Popular C-POP Music Lyrics with FAQ & Answers.
Get Full Lyrics for the Chinese Song 'Complex About Micro Blog', in Chinese (Putonghua) '微博控' with Pinyin 'Weibo Kong', and optional English lyrics equipped, Performed by 许嵩 (Vae Xu), the popular Chinese Pop Artist/Singer and Singer-songwriter from Chinese Mainland. Discover the Latest Popular C-POP Music Lyrics with FAQ & Answers.
Get Full Lyrics for the Chinese Pop Song 'I Won't Let You Be Lonely', in Chinese (Putonghua) '我不愿让你一个人' with Pinyin 'Wo Bu Yuan Rang Ni Yi Ge Ren', Performed by 五月天 (Mayday TWN), the popular Chinese Pop Rock Band from Taiwan of China. Discover the Latest Popular C-POP Music Lyrics with FAQ & Answers.
Get Full Lyrics for the classic Chinese Music 'Proverbs Of Love', in Chinese (Putonghua) '爱的箴言' with Pinyin 'Ai De Zhen Yan', originally performed by 罗大佑 (Tayu Lo), the famous Chinese Pop Artist/Singer, Musician and Singer-songwriter from Taiwan of China, while there is also another popular cover performed by 邓丽君 (Terresa Teng), known as the enteral queen for Chinese Love Songs.
Get Full Lyrics for Chinese Pop Song 'The Dark Plum Sauce', in Chinese (Putonghua) '乌梅子酱' with Pinyin 'Wu Mei Zi Jiang', Performed by 李荣浩 (Li Ronghao), the popular Chinese Pop Artist/Singer and Singer-songwriter from Chinese Mainland. Discover the Latest Popular C-POP Music Lyrics with FAQ & Answers.
Get Full Lyrics for Chinese R&B Pop Music 'Imagination', in Chinese (Putonghua) '想象之中' with Pinyin 'Xiang Xiang Zhi Zhong', Performed by 许嵩 (Vae Xu), the popular Chinese Pop Artist/Singer and Singer-songwriter. Discover the Latest Popular C-POP Music Lyrics with FAQ & Answers.
Get Full Lyrics for the Chinese Song 'God Says', in Chinese (Putonghua) '神明说' with Pinyin 'Shen Ming Shuo', the Promotional Song for the Chinese Radio Play 'Candle in the Tomb' (aka. Guo Chui Deng, 2022), titled "鬼吹灯" in the Chinese and Performed by 姚六一 (Louie Yao), the popular Chinese Pop Artist/Singer and Songwriter from Chinese Mainland. Discover the Latest Popular C-POP Music Lyrics with FAQ & Answers.
Get Full Lyrics for the Chinese Song 'Nice!', in Chinese (Putonghua) '一个Nice!' with Pinyin 'Yi Ge Nice!', Performed by 大张伟 (Wowkie Zhang), the popular Chinese Pop Artist/Singer and Songwriter. Discover the Latest Popular C-POP Music Lyrics with FAQ & Answers.
Get Full Lyrics for the Chinese Film Song 'Peter And Mary', in Chinese (Putonghua) '志明与春娇' with Pinyin 'Zhi Ming Yu Chun Jiao', the Theme Song for the Chinese Film 'Love Off the Cuff ' (2017, the threequel of the film series of "春娇救志明" title in Chinese), and Performed by 五月天 (Mayday TWN), the popular Chinese Pop Rock Band from Taiwan of China. Discover the Latest Popular C-POP Music Lyrics with FAQ & Answers.
Get Full Lyrics for the Chinese Song 'Possess', in Chinese (Putonghua) '拥有' with Pinyin 'Yong You', and optional English lyrics equipped, Performed By 梁博 (Bruce Liang), the popular Chinese Pop Artist/Singer and songwriter. Discover the Latest Popular C-POP Music Lyrics with FAQ & Answers.
Get Full Lyrics for Chinese Song 'Forgive Me', in Chinese (Putonghua) '原谅我' with Pinyin 'Yuan Liang Wo', and optional English lyrics equipped, Performed By 萧敬腾 (Jam Hsiao), the popular Chinese Pop/Rock Artist/Singer from Taiwan of China. Discover the Latest Popular C-POP Music Lyrics with FAQ & Answers.
Get Full Lyrics for Chinese Song "What If We Had Never Met" in Chinese (Putonghua) "如果我们不曾相遇" with Pinyin "Ru Guo Wo Men Bu Ceng Xiang Yu", and Performed By 五月天 (Mayday TWN), the popular Chinese Pop Rock Artist/Singer from Taiwan of China. Discover the Latest Popular C-POP Music Lyrics with FAQ & Answers.
Get Full Lyrics for the Chinese Song "The Romantic" in Chinese (Putonghua) "浪漫血液" with Pinyin "Lang Man Xue Ye", and Performed By 林俊杰 (JJ Lin) the popular Singaporean Pop Artist/Singer and Mandopop Singer-songwriter. Discover the Latest Popular C-POP Music Lyrics with FAQ & Answers.
Get Full Lyrics for the Chinese Song "Palmprint" in Chinese (Putonghua) "掌纹" with Pinyin "Zhang Wen", and optional English lyrics equipped, Performed By 曹格 (Gary Chaw), the popular Chinese Malaysian Pop Artist/Singer and Songwriter. Discover the Latest Popular C-POP Music Lyrics with FAQ & Answers.
Get Full Lyrics for the Chinese Song "The One And Only" in Chinese (Putonghua) "唯一" with Pinyin "Wei Yi", Performed By 王力宏 (Leehom Wang), the popular Chinese American Pop Artist/Singer and Songwriter. Discover the Latest Popular C-POP Music Lyrics with FAQ & Answers.
Get Full Lyrics for the Chinese Song "We Will" in Chinese (Putonghua) "一定会" with Pinyin "Yi Ding Hui", Performed By 林俊杰 (JJ Lin), the popular Singaporean Pop Artist/Singer and Songwriter. Discover the Latest Popular C-POP Music Lyrics with FAQ & Answers.
Get Full Lyrics for the Chinese Song "In The Mist Lyrics" in Chinese (Putonghua) "雾里" with Pinyin "Wu Li", and Performed By 姚六一 (Louie Yao), the popular Pop Chinese Artist/Singer and Songwriter. Discover the Latest Popular C-POP Music Lyrics with FAQ & Answers.