Showing Chinese Folk Singer

Find populuar Chinese music, song lyrics and artists with pleasure experience. Following Chinese music lyrics are well prepared in standard Chinese language with pinyin and optionally English equipped. Enjoy the music fun forever!

Abdullah Lyrics

Chinese Song: A Bo Du La

Get Full Lyrics for Chinese Song 'Abdullah' in Chinese (Putonghua) '阿卜杜拉' with Pinyin 'A Bo Du La', Performed by 赵雷 (Zhao Lei), the popular Chinese Folk Artist/Singer and Singer-songwriter. Discover the Latest Popular C-POP Music Lyrics with FAQ & Answers.

Captain Lyrics

Chinese Song: Chuan Zhang

Get Full Lyrics for Chinese Song 'Captain' in Chinese (Putonghua) '船长' with Pinyin 'Chuan Zhang ', Performed by 赵雷 (Zhao Lei), the popular Chinese Folk Artist/Singer and Singer-songwriter. Discover the Latest Popular C-POP Music Lyrics with FAQ & Answers.
Get Full Lyrics for Chinese Folk Song 'Damsel' in Chinese (Putonghua) '少女' with Pinyin 'Shào Nǚ', the Episode Song for Chinese film 'Song of Spring' (2021), and Performed by 赵雷 (Zhao Lei), the popular Chinese Male Folk Artist/Singer and Singer-songwriter with Guitar performance.

Wu Wu Lyrics

Chinese Song: Wu Wu

Get Full Lyrics for Chinese Folk Song 'Wu Wu' in Chinese (Putonghua) '兀兀' with Pinyin 'Wù Wù', Performed by 陈粒 (Chen Li), the popular Chinese Folk Artist/Singer and Singer-songwriter from Chinese Mainland. Discover the Latest Popular C-POP Music Lyrics with FAQ & Answers.
Get Full Lyrics for Chinese Folk Song 'Teen On Shuqian Street' in Chinese (Putonghua) '署前街少年' with Pinyin 'Shu Qian Jie Shao Nian', Performed by 赵雷 (Zhao Lei), the popular Chinese Folk Artist/Singer and Songwriter form Mainland China. Discover the Latest Popular C-POP Music Lyrics with FAQ & Answers.
Get Full Lyrics for Chinese Folk Song 'I Remember' in Chinese (Putonghua) '我记得' with Pinyin 'Wo Ji De', Performed by 赵雷 (Zhao Lei), the popular Chinese Folk Artist/Singer and Songwriter. Discover the Latest Popular C-POP Music Lyrics with FAQ & Answers.
Get Full Lyrics for Chinese Folk Song "Next Stop, Cha-Shan-Liu" in Chinese (Putonghua) "下一站,茶山刘" with Pinyin "Xia Yi Zhan, Cha Shan Liu", and optional English lyrics equipped, Performed By 房东的猫 (The Landlord’s Cat), the popular Chinese Folk Duet Group. Discover the Latest Popular C-POP Music Lyrics with FAQ & Answers.
Get Full Lyrics for hot Chinese Song "Up Up U" in Chinese (Putonghua) with Pinyin, Performed By 袁景 (Yuan Jing), the Chinese Artist/Singer and also the Songwriter of this music work. Discover the Latest Popular C-POP Music Lyrics with FAQ & Answers.
Get Full Lyrics for Chinese TV Series Song "Just Right Just Great" in Chinese (Putonghua) "刚好多好" with Pinyin "Gang Hao Duo Hao", the Episode Song for 2022 Chinese TV Series 'Growing Pain 2' and Performed By 房东的猫 (The Landlord’s Cat), the popular Chinese Female Duets. Discover the Latest Popular C-POP Music Lyrics with FAQ & Answers.
Get Full Lyrics for Chinese Female Duet Song "Whale FM" in Chinese (Putonghua) titled "鲸鱼电台" with Pinyin "Jing Yu Dian Tai", and Performed By 房东的猫 (The Landlord’s Cat), the popular Chinese female duet group. Discover the Latest Popular C-POP Music Lyrics with FAQ & Answers.
Get Full Lyrics for Chinese Folk Song "Zebra Zebra" in Chinese (Putonghua) "斑马斑马" with Pinyin "Ban Ma Ban Ma", and Performed By 宋冬野 (Donye.S), the popular Chinese Male Folk Artist/Singer and Singer-songwriter. Discover the Latest Popular C-POP Music Lyrics with FAQ & Answers.
Get Full Lyrics for Chinese Folk Song "Six Floor Building Song Lyrics" in Chinese (Putonghua) "六层楼" with Pinyin "Liu Ceng Lou", and Performed By 宋冬野 (Donye.S), the popular Chinese Folk Artist/Singer and Singer-songwriter. Discover the Latest Popular C-POP Music Lyrics with FAQ & Answers.
Get Full Lyrics for Hot Chinese Folk Song "Miss Dong" in Chinese (Putonghua) "董小姐" with Pinyin "Dong Xiao Jie", and Performed By 宋冬野 (Donye.S), the popular Chinese Male Folk Artist/Singer and Songwriter. Discover the Latest Popular C-POP Music Lyrics with FAQ & Answers.
Get Full Chinese Folk Song "Qiu Niang" in Chinese (Putonghua) "秋酿" with Pinyin "Qiu Niang", and optional English lyrics equipped. Performed By 房东的猫 (The Landlord’s Cat), the popular Chinese Female Duets. Discover the Latest Popular C-POP Music Lyrics with FAQ & Answers.
Get Full Chinese Song "Clouds Into Rain" in Chinese (Putonghua) "云烟成雨" with Pinyin "Yun Yan Cheng Yu", for the Chinese Animation Series 'I’m JoyBo'. Performed By 房东的猫 (The Landlord’s Cat), the popular Chinese Female Duets Group. Discover the Latest Popular C-POP Music Lyrics with FAQ & Answers.
Get Full Chinese Folk Song "At the Age of Nineteen" in Chinese (Putonghua) "十九岁" with Pinyin "Shi Jiu Sui", Performed By 赵雷 (Zhao Lei), the popular Chinese Folk Artist/Singer and Songwriter. Discover the Latest Popular C-POP Music Lyrics with FAQ & Answers.
Get Full Chinese Folk Song "Bright Teenage Years" in Chinese (Putonghua) "少年锦时" with Pinyin "Shao Nian Jin Shi", a Chinese Folk Song Performed By 赵雷 (Zhao Lei), the popular Chinese Folk Artist/Singer and Songwriter. Discover the Latest Popular C-POP Music Lyrics with FAQ & Answers.
Get Full Chinese Folk Song "Wonderful Ability" in Chinese (Putonghua) "奇妙能力歌" with Pinyin "Qi Miao Neng Li Ge", Performed By Chen Li, the popular Chinese Artist/Singer and Songwriter. Discover the Latest Popular C-POP Music Lyrics with FAQ & Answers.
Get Full Hot Chinese Pop Song "Flammable and Explosive" in Chinese (Putonghua) "易燃易爆炸" with Pinyin "Yi Ran Yi Bao Zha", Performed By 陈粒 (Chen Li), the popular Chinese Folk Artist/Singer and Songwriter. Discover the Latest Popular C-POP Music Lyrics with FAQ & Answers.
Get Full Popular Chinese Folk Song "Little Half" in Chinese (Putonghua) "小半" with Pinyin "Xiao Ban", Performed By Chen Li, the popular Chinese Folk Artist/Singer and Songwriter. Discover the Latest Popular C-POP Music Lyrics with FAQ & Answers.
Get Full Chinese Song "Pure Heart of Chasing Dream" in Chinese (Putonghua) "追梦赤子心" with Pinyin "Zhui Men Chi Zi Xin", and optional English lyrics equipped. Performed By GALA, the Chinese Band. Discover the Latest Popular C-POP Music Lyrics with FAQ & Answers.
Get Full Chinese Song "Up Sky " in Chinese (Putonghua) "上天堂" with Pinyin "Shàng Tiān Táng", the Promotional Song for Chinese film 'Lighting Up the Stars' (2022), titled "人生大事" in Chinese. Performed By "Second Hand Rose", the popular Chinese Folk Rock Band.
Get Full Hottest Chinese Movie Song "Lighting Up the Stars" in Chinese (Putonghua) "人生大事" with Pinyin "Ren Sheng Da Shi". The Theme Song for 2022 Biggest Chinese Darkhorse Film "Lighting Up the Stars" is Performed by the Chinese Folk Artist/Singer Zhao Zhao.
Get Full Chinese Song "Forever Young" in Chinese (Putonghua) with Pinyin, and optional English lyrics equipped. Performed By 朴树 (Pu Shu), the very popular Chinese Artist/Singer and famous Songwriter. Discover the Latest Popular C-POP Music Lyrics with FAQ & Answers.