Music Lyrics

Silent Angel Lyrics

Silent Angel Lyrics Song Lyrics in Chinese with Pinyin

Silent Angel Lyrics


jīn tiān de yáng guāng tài guò cì yǎn

The sunlight today is too blinding,


zhào de guò qù kōng xū hǎo míng xiǎn

Illuminating the emptiness of the past so clearly.

当时还懵懂 当时不会痛

dāng shí hái měng dǒng dāng shí bù huì tòng

Back then, I was naive, I didn’t feel the pain,


zài jǐng zhōng réng wéi kǔ shuǐ gē sòng

Singing praises for the bitter water in the well.


zuó tiān de mèng jìng tài guò jīng xiǎn

The dreams of yesterday were too thrilling,


dàn mèng lǐ miàn zì kě fēi shàng bàn tiān

But in the dreams, I could soar halfway to the sky.

天只有一口 转圈就没有

tiān zhǐ yǒu yī kǒu zhuàn quān jiù méi yǒu

The sky was but a small opening, and with a turn, it was gone,


āi chóu lǐ miàn zhǎo bù zháo āi chóu

In sorrow, I couldn’t find sorrow.


huí yì tài yú mèi

Memories are so foolish,


zuò zài zuó tiān de kòng fáng jiān

Sitting in the empty room of yesterday,

站在镜子前 看不见我的脸

zhàn zài jìng zi qián kàn bù jiàn wǒ de liǎn

Standing in front of the mirror, I can’t see my face.

把灯开得强烈 穿过今天的眼

bǎ dēng kāi de qiáng liè chuān guò jīn tiān de yǎn

Turning on the bright light, it passes through the eyes of today.

曾经以为睁不开眼 流下泪水

céng jīng yǐ wéi zhēng bù kāi yǎn liú xià lèi shuǐ

Once I thought I couldn’t open my eyes, tears would fall,


zhōng yú yě zuò le mǎn shān de mèng

Eventually, I dreamed of mountains full of dreams.


mèng zhōng yú yě zhǎo le gè jìn tóu

The dreams finally found an end,

梦中太惶恐 梦中还朦胧

mèng zhōng tài huáng kǒng mèng zhōng hái méng lóng

In the dreams, there was too much fear, they were still vague.


qǐ shēn hòu xìng hǎo zài zhè lǐ ān zuò

Fortunately, after waking up, I am sitting here safely.


yǒu nǐ tài tè bié

Having you is so special,


zuò zài jīn tiān de chuāng biān

Sitting by the window today,

镜子里面 天堂投进光线

jìng zi lǐ miàn tiān táng tóu jìn guāng xiàn

In the mirror, light from paradise is cast.

漫长的蜿蜒 深遂的转捩点

màn cháng de wān yán shēn suì de zhuǎn liè diǎn

The long, winding, and profound turning point,

放进固定轮廓的天 擦去边界

fàng jìn gù dìng lún kuò de tiān cā qù biān jiè

Placed in the fixed contour of the sky, erasing the boundaries.


kōng kōng de rì zi hái shì zǒu zhe

The empty days still go on,


zhǐ shì jīn tiān kōng děi tīng de dào xiǎng

But today, the emptiness is so loud.

有你的呼吸 有我的潮汐

yǒu nǐ de hū xī yǒu wǒ de cháo xī

There’s your breath, there’s my tide,


wàng què céng yǒu de tàn xī

Forgetting the sighs that once were.

Sound of my silent angel

(zhè bú shì zhōng wén!)

Joy from my silent angel

(zhè bú shì zhōng wén!)

Smiling at my silent angel

(zhè bú shì zhōng wén!)

Thanks for my silent angel

(zhè bú shì zhōng wén!)

Sound of my silent angel

(zhè bú shì zhōng wén!)

Joy from my silent angel

(zhè bú shì zhōng wén!)

Smiling at my silent angel

(zhè bú shì zhōng wén!)

Thanks for my silent angel

(zhè bú shì zhōng wén!)

Sound of my silent angel

(zhè bú shì zhōng wén!)

Joy from my silent angel

(zhè bú shì zhōng wén!)

Smiling at my silent angel

(zhè bú shì zhōng wén!)

Thanks for my silent angel

(zhè bú shì zhōng wén!)

What Is the Song 'Silent Angel'? And Where Did 'Silent Angel' Lyrics Come From?

The full Silent Angel above is actually written for the 2025 Chinese pop song 'Silent Angel' which was released in 2025, specifically since February 28th, 2025.

Who Has Performed the Song 'Silent Angel'? And the Artist Name?

The music work 'Silent Angel' is a Chinese song from the 2020s and performed by Sodagreen (Chinese name: 苏打绿), the Sextet musical band/group from Taiwan of China giving us this great Chinese musical performance of the song .