Get Full Chinese Song "Star (The Reversed Clock)" in Chinese (Putonghua) "Star (反方向的钟)" with Pinyin "fǎn fāng xiàng de zhōng", and optional English lyrics equipped. Performed By XMASwu, the Chinese Pop Artist/Singer. Discover the Latest ...
Get Full Chinese Song "Night Is Klein Blue Sadness" in Chinese (Putonghua) "夜是克莱因蓝的忧伤" with Pinyin "yè shì kè lái yīn lán de yōu shāng", and optional English lyrics equipped. Performed By 蓝心羽 (lán xīnyǔ), the Pop Chinese ...
The Full Chinese Song "Special Person" in Chinese (Putonghua) "特别的人" with Pinyin "tè bié de rén", and optional English lyrics equipped. Performed By 方大同 (Khalil Fong), the popular Chinese Pop Artist/Singer from HongKong. Discover the ...
Get Full Chinese Song "Hang Up" in Chinese (Putonghua) "挂断 (一通一通挂掉我的电话)" with Pinyin "guà duàn", and optional English lyrics equipped. Performed By 冰冷端 (Bīng Lěng Duān), Pop Chinese ...
Get Full Lyrics for the Chinese-style Pop Song "Storyteller" in Chinese (Putonghua) "说书人" with Pinyin "Shuo Shu Ren", and Performed By 暗杠 (Joe) and 寅子 (Yin zi). Discover the Latest Popular C-POP Music Lyrics with FAQ & ...
Get Full Chinese Song "Save The Flavor" in Chinese (Putonghua) "留香" with Pinyin "liú xiāng", and optional English lyrics equipped. Performed By 许嵩 (Vae), the popular Pop Chinese Artist/Singer. Discover the Latest Popular C-POP Music Lyrics with ...
Get Full Chinese Song "Mercury Records" in Chinese (Putonghua) "水星记" with Pinyin "shuǐ xīng jì", and optional English lyrics equipped. Performed By 郭顶 (Guo Ding), the popular Chinese Artist/Singer and songwriter. ...
Get Full Chinese Pop Song "Supporting Role" in Chinese (Putonghua) "男二号" with Pinyin "Nán èr hào", and optional English lyrics equipped. Performed By 薛之谦 (Joker Xue), the popular Pop Chinese Artist/Singer. Discover the Latest Popular C-POP ...
Get Full Chinese Song "Inde Company" lyrics in Chinese (Putonghua) "孤独面店" with Pinyin "Gū dú miàn diàn", and optional English lyrics equipped. Performed By 姜云升(Jiang Yunsheng), the popular Chinese Rap Artist/Singer. Discover the Latest ...
Get Full Chinese Rap Song "Romanticism 2.0" in Chinese (Putonghua) "浪漫主义2.0" with Pinyin "Lang Man Zhu Yi 2.0", and optional English lyrics equipped. Performed By 姜云升(Jiang Yunsheng) the popular Chinese Rap Artist/Singer. Discover the Latest ...
Get Full popular Chinese Song "Drown" in Chinese (Putonghua) "下潜" with Pinyin "Xià qiǎn", and optional English lyrics equipped. Performed By Chuan Qing, the Pop Chinese Artist/Singer. Discover the Latest Popular C-POP Music Lyrics with FAQ & ...
Get Full Chinese Song "The Inside Story" in Chinese (Putonghua) "内幕" with Pinyin "nèi mù", and optional English lyrics equipped. Performed By 马思唯 (MaSiWei), the popular Chinese Rap Artist/Singer. Discover the Latest Popular C-Rap/Hip-Hop Music ...