Music Lyrics

Like Sunday Like Rain Lyrics

Like Sunday Like Rain Lyrics Song Lyrics in Chinese with Pinyin

For Chinese Pop Song '像晴天像雨天 (Xiang Qing Tian Xiang Yu Tian)'

Like Sunday Like Rain Lyrics


cuò shǒu bù jí

Caught Off Guard


yù jiàn nǐ wǒ kāi shǐ biàn de bù tài cōng míng

Meeting you,I began to lose my wits,

心跳加速 有时候呼吸也暂停

xīn tiào jiā sù yǒu shí hòu hū xī yě zàn tíng

My heart races,sometimes my breath just stops.


shēn tǐ

My body,


wú fǎ kòng zhì xiàng nǐ kào jìn

Uncontrollably drawn closer to you.


bù bù wéi yíng

Every step is calculated,


rén wù guān xì zǒu xiàng bù kě kòng de jù qíng

Yet the relationships spiral into an uncontrollable plot.


chuāng wài fēi guò zhe xuān gào liàn ài de qīng tíng

Dragonflies dart past the window,heralding love,


xiǎng nǐ

Thinking of you,


wǒ de xīn shì biàn de tòu míng

My secrets become transparent.

一意孤行 汲汲营营 寸步难行

yī yì gū xíng jí jí yíng yíng cùn bù nán xíng

Single-minded,striving,barely moving forward,

慢慢累积 拼凑不完整的旋律

màn màn lěi jī pīn còu bù wán zhěng de xuán lǜ

Slowly accumulating,piecing together an incomplete melody.


wǒ yī guàn de xiǎo xīn yì yì

Always cautious,


xiàn zài què xiǎng yào gào sù nǐ

Now I want to tell you,


hǎo xǐ huān nǐ

How much I like you,


xiàng chūn tiān de huā duǒ shèng kāi zài xià yè lǐ

Like spring flowers blooming on a summer night,


xiàng wēi fēng chuī guò yǔ hòu ní tǔ de xiāng qì

Like a breeze carrying the scent of rain-soaked earth,


xiàng mí tú de lǚ rén dào dá le mù dì dì

Like a lost traveler finally reaching their destination,


xiàng fēi wǔ hú dié bèi xuàn làn sè cǎi xī yǐn

Like a butterfly drawn to vibrant colors,


xiàng liú chuán xǔ jiǔ shén mì de ài qíng zhòu yǔ

Like an ancient,mysterious love spell,


xiàng xuān xiāo de wǔ hòu tū rán biàn de ān jìng

Like a noisy afternoon suddenly falling silent,


xiàng yǎn lèi luò rù hǎi dǐ táo lí le gū jì

Like tears falling into the ocean,escaping loneliness.


rú guǒ wǒ néng gěi nǐ duǎn zàn de kāi xīn

If I could bring you a fleeting moment of joy,


bù bù wéi yíng

Every step is calculated,


rén wù guān xì zǒu xiàng bù kě kòng de jù qíng

Yet the relationships spiral into an uncontrollable plot.


chuāng wài fēi guò zhe xuān gào liàn ài de qīng tíng

Dragonflies dart past the window,heralding love,


xiǎng nǐ

Thinking of you,


wǒ de xīn shì biàn de tòu míng

My secrets become transparent.

猜你话语 猜你表情 猜你欢喜

cāi nǐ huà yǔ cāi nǐ biǎo qíng cāi nǐ huān xǐ

Guessing your words,your expressions,your happiness,

猜不出你 猜不出我们的结局

cāi bù chū nǐ cāi bù chū wǒ men de jié jú

But I can’t guess you,can’t guess our ending.


néng bù néng zhè cì bù lěng jìng

Can we not be calm this time,


néng bù néng dà shēng gào sù nǐ

Can I tell you loudly,


hǎo xǐ huān nǐ

How much I like you,


xiàng chūn tiān de huā duǒ shèng kāi zài xià yè lǐ

Like spring flowers blooming on a summer night,


xiàng wēi fēng chuī guò yǔ hòu ní tǔ de xiāng qì

Like a breeze carrying the scent of rain-soaked earth,


xiàng mí tú de lǚ rén dào dá le mù dì dì

Like a lost traveler finally reaching their destination,


xiàng fēi wǔ hú dié bèi xuàn làn sè cǎi xī yǐn

Like a butterfly drawn to vibrant colors,


xiàng liú chuán xǔ jiǔ shén mì de ài qíng zhòu yǔ

Like an ancient,mysterious love spell,


xiàng xuān xiāo de wǔ hòu tū rán biàn de ān jìng

Like a noisy afternoon suddenly falling silent,


xiàng yǎn lèi luò rù hǎi dǐ táo lí le gū jì

Like tears falling into the ocean,escaping loneliness.


rú guǒ wǒ néng gěi nǐ duǎn zàn de kāi xīn

If I could bring you a fleeting moment of joy,


huā duǒ shèng kāi xià yè lǐ

Flowers blooming on a summer night,


yǔ hòu ní tǔ de xiāng qì

The scent of rain-soaked earth,


lǚ rén dào le mù dì dì

A traveler reaching their destination,


xiàng hú dié bèi sè cǎi xī yǐn

A butterfly drawn to colors,


shén mì de ài qíng zhòu yǔ

An ancient love spell,


wǔ hòu tū rán biàn ān jìng

A noisy afternoon falling silent,


yǎn lèi táo lí le gū jì

Tears escaping loneliness,


hǎo xǐ huān nǐ

How much I like you,


xiàng chūn tiān de huā duǒ shèng kāi zài xià yè lǐ

Like spring flowers blooming on a summer night,


xiàng wēi fēng chuī guò yǔ hòu ní tǔ de xiāng qì

Like a breeze carrying the scent of rain-soaked earth,


xiàng mí tú de lǚ rén dào dá le mù dì dì

Like a lost traveler finally reaching their destination,


xiàng fēi wǔ hú dié bèi xuàn làn sè cǎi xī yǐn

Like a butterfly drawn to vibrant colors,


xiàng liú chuán xǔ jiǔ shén mì de ài qíng zhòu yǔ

Like an ancient,mysterious love spell,


xiàng xuān xiāo de wǔ hòu tū rán biàn de ān jìng

Like a noisy afternoon suddenly falling silent,


xiàng yǎn lèi luò rù hǎi dǐ táo lí le gū jì

Like tears falling into the ocean,escaping loneliness,


xiàng xiàn zài de wǒ jué dìng bù zài wèn jié jú

Like me now,deciding not to ask about the ending.

What Is the Song 'Like Sunday Like Rain'? And Where Did 'Like Sunday Like Rain (Xiang Qing Tian Xiang Yu Tian) ' Lyrics Come From?

The full Like Sunday Like Rain above is actually written for the 2025 Chinese pop song 'Like Sunday Like Rain' (titled 像晴天像雨天 in Standard / Simplified Chinese, with Pinyin Xiang Qing Tian Xiang Yu Tian) which was released in 2025, specifically since February 18th, 2025.

Who Has Performed the Song 'Like Sunday Like Rain'? And the Artist Name?

The music work 'Like Sunday Like Rain' (titled 像晴天像雨天 in Standard / Simplified Chinese, with Pinyin Xiang Qing Tian Xiang Yu Tian) is a Chinese song from the 2020s and performed by the male solo artist Silence. W (Chinese name: 汪苏泷), the singer from Chinese Mainland giving us this great Chinese musical performance of the song .

The Film, TV Series or Dramas Related to Like Sunday Like Rain Lyrics? And What Is It?

Additionally, this song 'Like Sunday Like Rain' (titled 像晴天像雨天 in Chinese) where the full lyrics above is sourced from, is also the Episode Song for Chinese Web Drama 'The First Frost' (2025), titled "难哄" in Standard / Simplified Chinese language.