Music Lyrics

A Train to Outer Space, Flying My Dream to the Sky Lyrics
火车驶向云外, 梦安魂于九霄

A Train to Outer Space, Flying My Dream to the Sky Lyrics Song Lyrics in Chinese with Pinyin

For Chinese Rock Song '火车驶向云外, 梦安魂于九霄'

A Train to Outer Space, Flying My Dream to the Sky Lyrics

我那些残梦 灵异九霄

wǒ nà xiē cán mèng líng yì jiǔ xiāo

徒忙漫奋斗 满目沧愁

tú máng màn fèn dòu mǎn mù cāng chóu

在滑翔之后 完美坠落

zài huá xiáng zhī hòu wán měi zhuì luò

在四维宇宙 眩目遨游

zài sì wéi yǔ zhòu xuàn mù áo yóu

我那些烂曲 流窜九州

wǒ nà xiē làn qǔ liú cuàn jiǔ zhōu

云游魂飞奏 音愤符吼

yún yóu hún fēi zòu yīn fèn fú hǒu

在宿命身后 不停挥手

zài sù mìng shēn hòu bù tíng huī shǒu

视死如归仇 毫无保留

shì sǐ rú guī qiú háo wú bǎo liú


hēi sè de bù shì yè wǎn


shì màn cháng de gū dān


kàn jiǎo xià yī piàn hēi àn


wàng tóu dǐng xīng guāng cuǐ càn


tàn shì wàn wù jiē kě pàn


wéi zhēn ài zuì duǎn zàn


shī qù de yǒng bù fù fǎn


shì shǒu héng ér jīn bèi huán


yáo qí nà hǎn de rè qíng


xié guāng yīn jiàn yuǎn qù


rén shì jiān bēi xǐ làn jù


zhòu yè lún bō bù tíng


fēn fēi de làn qíng nán nǚ


qíng chóu ài hèn bié lí


yī dài rén zhōng jiāng lǎo qù


dàn zǒng yǒu rén zhèng nián qīng

What Is the Song 'A Train to Outer Space, Flying My Dream to the Sky'? And Where Did 'A Train to Outer Space, Flying My Dream to the Sky' Lyrics Come From?

The full A Train to Outer Space, Flying My Dream to the Sky above is actually written for the 2018 Chinese rock song 'A Train to Outer Space, Flying My Dream to the Sky' (titled 火车驶向云外, 梦安魂于九霄 in Standard / Simplified Chinese) which was released in 2018, specifically since April 25th, 2018.

Who Has Performed the Song 'A Train to Outer Space, Flying My Dream to the Sky'? And the Artist Name?

The music work 'A Train to Outer Space, Flying My Dream to the Sky' (titled 火车驶向云外, 梦安魂于九霄 in Standard / Simplified Chinese) is a Chinese song from the 2010s and performed by Hedgehog (Chinese name: 刺猬), the Trio rock band from Chinese Mainland giving us this great Chinese musical performance of the song .